Success in any organization often depends on leadership ability to adjust quickly to a changing environment both internally and externally. Trends, regulations, competition and yes the economy may force organizational change. This change has a direct impact on employees often creating a decrease in morale which can lead to complacency and apathy. To circumvent these consequences leaders must justify, communicate and explain the long term benefits to the company and the employees. Sometimes it may simply mean survival. But, even survival can be positive when it relates to maintain security for the employee.
Timing is a critical component that the leader must recognize. Reacting too late on any situational change can lead to panic and fear. Both of these traits can paralyze the leader’s ability to solve problems and create solutions. Stuff happens but effective leaders --- Lead Wolf Leaders react quickly and appropriately. Follow these Lead Wolf Tips and improve your chance for success even in the most difficult circumstances.
1. Plan Carefully --- Planning saves time and money. It also prevents knee jerk decisions that are often wrong. Shooting from the hip may work in normal times but in times of crisis any risk should be calculated, thought through and executed diligently. Always consider down side consequences and create a detailed time table for execution.
2. Anticipate Resistance --- Consider motivation regarding any anticipated resistance to change. Resistance is often a result of fear – fear of losing status, power or security. Communicate with individual employees. Discuss their position and contribution honestly. Talk about their continued career paths or new career paths. Define and discuss the reasons and justifications for the change. Express appreciation for past and continued performance.
3. Communicate Openly & Honestly ---- Don’t make false promises. Honest communication is a must. Most resistance to any change is due to the lack of information. As a result employees make things up in their own minds that are predominantly extremely worse than the real situation. Put on your sales person hat because change, new ideas or any type of organizational change requires you to sell the idea.
4. Employee Buy-in ---- Getting employees involved in the early stages of change has several advantages. First and foremost, it is often amazing what employees can do if you just let them. It is often amazing what ideas employees can come up with if you just listen to them. Most of the time we overlook the incredible knowledge and talent that is at our finger tips. Getting employees involved creates ownership, minimizes mistakes and expensive consequences. People that are being effected directly by change often have the best insights on how to manage that change.
5. Trust and Respect Your Employees ----- I often repeat the phrase – “Employees won’t start trusting you until you starting trusting them.” “Employees won’t start respecting you until you start respecting them.” Credibility based on your past relationships with your employees will play a key role in creating success.
6. Execution --- The golden grail ---- nothing happens unless you execute. Create a D-Day kickoff and set up specific, timely accountability sessions to insure that everyone stays on point. Individual initiative related scorecards are a great tool to support execution. The more painful the change or challenge the more it necessitates quick action. Postponement only adds further complications.
7. Understand Contingency Planning ---- Regardless of circumstance, all Lead Wolf Leaders understand and prepare for contingencies. When times are really good we often call it scenario planning. This is nothing more than “What if Brainstorming Sessions”. However, during tough economic times it is imperative to actually create a contingency plan that outlines specific actions that may become necessary based on circumstance.
Check out Rick’s new CD and workbook Real World Leadership Kit --- “Learning to Lead So Others Will Follow” – Sign up to receive “The Howl” a free monthly newsletter that addresses real world industry issues. – Straight talk about today’s issues. Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution’s “Leadership Strategist”, founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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