Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Cat but It Can Make You a Better Leader

Several years ago the consulting firm I worked for did a study that included interviewing eight of the most successful CEOs in the country that were within a year of retirement. The requirement to be within one year of retirement on either side was to insure that none of them would pull any punches regarding being totally open with their answers to our questions. This was quite an enlightening experience and in fact I believe you can still purchase DVD’s of these interview from NAW (National Association of Wholesalers)

Each one of these leaders had a different leadership model. Of course there was some commonalities but for the most part each one had a clearly defined personal leadership model. However, a personal character trait that really stood out to me in these interviews was the fact that every one of these CEOs had an incredible sense of curiosity. They were all passionate about it and each one had a new innovative project going on every year.

My personal assessment after spending hours listening to these interviews numerous times is that they came by this curiosity naturally. It’s like they had this “need to know” their entire lives. I have personally known CEOs that have that same sense of curiosity that have told me at times that need can seem so overpowering that they consider it a curse instead of a blessing. But, curiosity leads to new ideas, creativity and innovative thoughts.

Keep this point in mind ------ Most new ideas are simply a combination or rearrangement of old ideas and facts. What that tells us is simply the more we study a topic or situation and the more knowledge we gain about anything specific, the more likely it becomes that we come up with new ideas. Your ability and willingness to explore, study and learn is directly related to your level of curiosity.

If you don’t feel that instinctive curiosity then you need to take deliberate action everyday to improve your knowledge foundation. One very quick and easy way to accomplish this is to read. Read at every opportunity; on the airplane, at home at night, in the doctor’s office. Take every opportunity to read every chance you get. Reading someone else’s version or opinion on something will prompt your thought process and give you your own ideas and versions of the subject at hand. Replace at least one hour a night of television with one hour a night of reading.

Have the curiosity of a cat and ---- it could change your entire life.

www.ceostrategist.com – Sign up to receive “The Howl” a free monthly newsletter that addresses real world industry issues. – Straight talk about today’s issues. Rick Johnson, expert speaker, wholesale distribution’s “Leadership Strategist”, founder of CEO Strategist, LLC a firm that helps clients create and maintain competitive advantage. Need a speaker for your next event, E-mail rick@ceostrategist.com

Strategic Leadership in Wholesale Distribution
CEO Strategist LLC
tel: 352-750-0868

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